Comfort Wood


由我們一開始設計ScentLadder ,就已經有朋友問我們有沒有木味的精油,因此我們就開始去了解和研究木味複方精油吸引之處,發現原來喜歡木味的朋友都希望在家中可以享受沐浴於森林的感覺,沉醉於這種濕潤的森林氣息。所以ScentLadder特別為大家設計了這款木味精油Comfort Wood,讓大家安在家中也能享受到洗滌心靈的森林浴!

Since we started designing ScentLadder, some friends have asked us if we have woody essential oils, so we started to understand and study the attraction of woody essential oil blends, and found that friends who liked woody smells wanted to enjoy bathing their souls at home as if they are in the rainforest. They loved indulging in the rainforest atmosphere. Therefore ScentLadder specially designed this woody essential oil blend Comfort Wood for them, so that they can enjoy the rainforest bath that cleanses the soul at home!

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It is suitable for people who like the smell of the forest. It can balance your emotion and soothe the soul
Using essential oils to calm, liberate irritated and depressed minds, and improve concentration and work efficiency.
Ingredients: Cedarwood, Patchouli, Vetiver, Palmarosa, Coconut Oil
Scent characteristics: smell of woody rainforest
Efficacy: Calm, balance the mood, relax tension, increase concentration